As a private research funding organization, we support researchers with creative ideas aimed at changing the world of science – something we have been doing for more than 60 years now. Our mission: We endow knowledge.

We provide support in four profile areas

Pile of books

Understanding Research

Critically exploring and reflecting on the research system with a view to initiating positive change on areas such as career paths, governance, research and teaching.

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humanoider Kopf einer Maschine

Societal Transformations

Expanding knowledge about processes of transformation and developing possible courses of action together with stakeholders in civil society.

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Hand with compass


Breaking into previously unexplored research territory with unconventional ideas and experimental approaches.

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Schachfigur "Pferd"


Funding program for top-level research in Lower Saxony.

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Zwei behandschuhte Hände sind zu sehen, die hellbraune kleine Fasern zwischen vertikale, horizontale und diagonale helle Holzstreifen legen.

Mushrooms instead of concrete: innovative biomaterials enable sustainable construction

  • Public event
  • With live stream

Jul. 12, 2024, 06:00 PM - 10:00 PM

We love Science! Summer Science Slam 2024

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Das Bild zeigt ein Mikrofon und den Schriftzug "Summer Science Slam" vor einem knalligen Hintergrund
  • Public event
  • Herrenhäuser Forum
  • With live stream

Aug. 15, 2024, 07:00 PM - 09:00 PM

CO2-Zertifikate – Ablasshandel oder effektive Werkzeuge?

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Das Bild zeugt kleine Geldberge, aus denen Pflanzen wachsen.
  • Expert meeting
  • Symposium

Aug. 20, 2024, 12:00 PM - Aug. 22, 2024, 01:00 PM

Statussymposium "Innovative Approaches to Antiviral Drug Development"

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The funding initiative "Innovative approaches in antiviral drug development" builds a bridge between high-risk basic research and practical application. (Design: Freepik
Broschüre mit Aufdruck "status 2023" vor rotem Hintergrund
Publication of the Foundation 26. June 2024

status 2023 – Annual report of the Volkswagen Foundation

In 2023, the Volkswagen Foundation approved more than EUR 600 million for scientific projects. Figures, data and facts from our 2023 annual report.

viele hochgestreckte Daumen vor einer dunklen Schiefertafel
News 19. June 2024

Positive feedback for distributed peer review

The Volkswagen Foundation's "Distributed Peer Review" experiment is well received by applicants, as a survey by the Research on Research Institute (RoRI) shows.