Profile area Societal Transformations

In this profile area, the Foundation supports research that expands and critically reflects on the body of knowledge on transformation processes with different focal points. We want to gain a better understanding of how such processes develop and the possibilities for science to influence and shape them. We encourage researchers to involve actors outside the sphere of academia in their projects, for example through participatory research or joint science communication. The aim is to better understand processes of transformation in order to anticipate important future challenges through fact-based scientific knowledge and, at the same time, to develop options for social action.
The profile area "Societal Transformations" aims to
- analyze and identify transformation challenges and promote research ideas that explore concrete transformations and identify options for action;
- understand transformation processes and explore the contribution of science to such developments;
- create framework conditions for transformation processes and encourage researchers to think about the transfer of their research into societal structures.
Current funding offers within the profile area
Transdisciplinary Approaches to Mobility and Global Health
The call is directed at researchers from HICs and LMICs, in close collaboration with local communities, non-academic stakeholders and other relevant actors. It is jointly initiated by the three independent private foundations Novo Nordisk Foundation (Denmark), Wellcome (Great Britain) and Volkswagen Foundation.
areas of research: social sciences, life & health sciences
funding for: international collaborative projects
Change! Fellowships
Our target group: Personalities from science who are researching transformation processes jointly with non-academic partners.
area of research: all disciplines
funding for: own position
Transformational Knowledge on Democracies under Change – Transdisciplinary Perspectives
The call addresses persons from science together with actors outside of academia who are interested in transdisciplinary research and aim at jointly developing new perspectives on democratic forms of government under change.
area of research: humanities, cultural and social sciences (lead); cooperation with natural, life, data and technical sciences possible
type of funding: task forces, collaborative projects
Circularity with recycled and biogenic resources
The current call within the funding line 'Collaborative projects' of this initiative is primarily targeted at the natural sciences and engineering.
area of research: natural sciences and engineering, if required social sciences
type of funding: research projects
Perspectives on Wealth: Repercussions of Wealth
The call is aimed at (inter-)national research consortia, collaborations with partners from LMICs are preferable, transdisciplinary consortia possible.
area of research: Humanities, cultural and social sciences, economics (lead); cooperations with natural, life, data and technical science possible
type of funding: (inter-)national cooperation projects with up to five partners