• Public event
  • Herrenhausen Extra

23 Aug 2025, 04:00 p.m. - 05:00 p.m.

Von Kutschen und König:innen - Vier königliche Prunk-Karossen aus dem Haus Hannover in Herrenhausen

Die prunkvollen Karossen des Hauses Hannover, die bald in neuem Glanz in Schloss Herrenhausen erstrahlen, haben eine wechselvolle Vergangenheit. Über ihre Geschichte sowie dem Umzug der Kutschen nach Herrenhausen sprechen Expertinnen am 23. August um 16:00 Uhr in Hannover.

Fast sechs Jahrzehnte lang begeisterten vier prunkvolle Kutschen des Hauses Hannover die Besucher:innen des Historischen Museums am Hohen Ufer. Ab Sommer 2025 erstrahlen diese Meisterwerke höfischer Prachtentfaltung – allen voran der Staatswagen Nr. 1, die berühmte „Goldene Kutsche“ – im Museum Schloss Herrenhausen in neuem Glanz. Die über 200 Jahre alten Exponate an ihren neuen Ort zu bringen und wirkungsvoll zu inszenieren, war logistisch sowie planerisch extrem herausfordernd. 
Die aufwendig in Szene gesetzten Wagen erzählen die Geschichten der Monarchen, aber auch die ihrer Gemahlinnen. Die neue Ausstellung widmet sich daher besonders den Welfen-Königinnen. In einem Kurzvortrag gibt Anne Gemeinhardt, Direktorin der Museen für Kulturgeschichte Hannovers, Einblicke in die komplexe Vorbereitung der neuen Ausstellung. Kuratorin Dr. Annika Wellmann verfolgt die Spuren der Welfen-Königinnen und erläutert die unterschiedlichen Rollen und Erwartungen, die an die Könige und ihre Gemahlinnen gestellt wurden. 

Kurzvorträge und Gespräche mit 
Anne Gemeinhardt, Direktorin, Museen für Kulturgeschichte, Hannover 
Dr. Annika Wellmann, freiberufliche Historikerin und Kuratorin, Hannover 
Moderation: Anorthe Wetzel, VolkswagenStiftung 

Der Eintritt zu den Veranstaltungen der VolkswagenStiftung im Auditorium Schloss Herrenhausen im Rahmen des Sommerfestes "350 Jahre Herrenhäuser Gärten" ist frei. Für das weitere Kulturprogramm in den Herrenhäuser Gärten wird eine Eintrittskarte benötigt. Bitte informieren Sie sich über Preise und Konditionen im Info-Kasten in der rechten Randspalte.

Do you have questions about our events? Check out the FAQs!

FAQ public events
Where do the Volkswagen Foundation events take place?

The events take place at the Xplanatorium Herrenhausen Palace, Herrenhäuser Straße 5, 30419 Hanover. Access by public transport: Üstra lines 4 and 5, stop 'Herrenhäuser Gärten'

How do I get to the Xplanatorium Herrenhausen?
  • by public transport: tram lines 4 and 5, bus line 136: stop "Herrenhäuser Gärten" or "Schaumburgstraße"
  • by bike: There are bike racks in front of the Xplanatorium. E-bike batteries should be taken into the building and not left on the bike.
  • by car: The Xplanatorium is located within Hanover's environmental zone. Motor vehicles are only allowed to drive in the low emission zone with a green fine dust sticker. Parking spaces (with parking fee) are available at the "Great Garden".
How long do the events last?

Evening events like panel discussions last for about 100 - 120 minutes.

How much does admission to Volkswagen Foundation events cost?

Admission to Volkswagen Foundation events is free of charge. In rare cases, access to the Herrenhausen Palace conference centre/Xplanatorium may only be possible with an admission ticket (which may be subject to a charge). If this is the case, you will find a corresponding note on the website of the respective event.

When does admission to events start?

The doors will open 60 minutes before the event begins.

Is the venue barrier-free?

The Xplanatorium Herrenhausen is barrier-free.

Are the events broadcast live?

Some of our events are also broadcast live. To access, visit the respective event page on our website.

Are the panel discussions recorded?

Many of the events are broadcasted live and/or recorded. Recordings and proceedings of past events can be found in our newsroom and on our YouTube channel.

Is there a cloakroom?

At events held at the Xplanatorium Herrenhausen, you are welcome to use our cloakroom free of charge.

I lost or forgot something at an event at the Xplanatorium, whom can I contact?

Please contact Schloss Herrenhausen Veranstaltungs- und Betriebs GmbH at: 0511/763 744-0.

Who can I contact if I have further questions?

If you have any questions, you can reach our hotline from Mon-Fri 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 0511/8381-200.

FAQ scientific events
Where do the Volkswagen Foundation events take place?

The events take place at the Xplanatorium Herrenhausen Palace, Herrenhäuser Straße 5, 30419 Hanover. Access by public transport: Üstra lines 4 and 5, stop 'Herrenhäuser Gärten'

How do I get to the Xplanatorium Herrenhausen?
  • by public transport: tram lines 4 and 5, bus line 136: stop "Herrenhäuser Gärten" or "Schaumburgstraße".
  • by bike: There are bike racks in front of the Xplanatorium. E-bike batteries should be taken into the building and not left on the bike.
  • by car: The Xplanatorium is located within Hanover's environmental zone. Motor vehicles are only allowed to drive in the low emission zone with a green fine dust sticker. Parking spaces (with parking fee) are available at the "Great Garden".
  • by train: Hanover main station is excellently connected through many long-distance trains from all over Germany and in some cases from other European countries.
  • by plane: Please check whether a flight can be replaced by a train connection. Hanover Airport is directly connected to the S-Bahn network in the greater Hanover area. Please take the S5 towards Paderborn or Bad Pyrmont from the airport to get to the city center.
How much are the fees for participating at academic events?

There are no registration fees for participating at conferences, symposia or academic workshops.

When can I check in and get my name tag at the venue?

You can check in 60 minutes before the event begins.

Is the venue barrier-free?

The Xplanatorium Herrenhausen is barrier-free.

Are the academic events recorded or broadcast live (streaming)?

As a rule, academic events are not recorded or broadcast live (streaming) in order to enable the participants to talk about research results that have not yet been published and to obtain corresponding feedback.

I wish to attend an academic event as member of the audience. Who will cover my travel and accommodation costs and do the necessary bookings?

The participants bear the costs for travel and accommodation themselves. We ask all participants without an active part to take care of their own hotel and travel arrangements. If we provide a contingent of rooms at a specific hotel, you will find more information on the respective event pages.

I am a speaker, chair, or travel grantee at an academic event. Who will cover my travel and accommodation costs and do the necessary bookings?

Please get in touch with the respective contact person for the event. You can find the contact details on the website for the event.

Are food preferences and/or intolerances taken care of?

They are usually taken care of. Please indicate your preferences when registering for the event. Catering/Meals at Volkswagen Foundation events are all vegetarian with several vegan options.

Is there a cloakroom?

At Volkswagen Foundation events held at the Xplanatorium Herrenhausen, you are welcome to use our cloakroom free of charge.

I lost or forgot something at an event at the Xplanatorium, whom can I contact?

Please contact Schloss Herrenhausen Veranstaltungs- und Betriebs GmbH at: +49 511-763 744-0

Who can I contact if I have further questions?

If you have any questions, you can reach our hotline from Mon-Fri 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at +59 511 8381-200

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