A concrete-like wall can be seen, from which thin, interwoven strips of wood protrude at the top.
Story May. 29, 2024

Mushrooms instead of concrete: innovative biomaterials enable sustainable construction

When we talk about cutting CO2, we usually think of green electricity or transforming transport. However, a less obvious area – the building sector – offers huge potential for savings. A Kassel University researcher wants to combine biomaterials with digital manufacturing technologies and make them available for architecture.

Faces of Annabella Hüfler-Fick und Mona Weyrauch.
Interview Mar. 06, 2024

Become an "Agent of Change!": The Program Directors explain how it works

The media is increasingly full of gloomy news – wars, climate warming, crisis of democracy. What can be done to counteract the negative effects? The funding initiative "Change! Fellowships and Research Groups" aims to bring about social change through the findings of transdisciplinary research. Annabella Hüfler-Fick and Mona Weyrauch provide information about what researchers need to consider when applying.

Adelheid Wessler looks at tha camera.
Interview Feb. 22, 2024

Transdisciplinary research: "We firmly believe this concept works"

The Volkswagen Foundation believes that transdisciplinary research is a promising way of tackling major future issues. In the following interview, team leader Adelheid Wessler explains how the Foundation wants to create new funding opportunities to help establish this methodological approach over the long term – alongside basic and discipline-defined research.

Funding offer Dec. 13, 2023

New funding offer: "Change! Fellowships and Research Groups"

With the new funding program, the Volkswagen Foundation supports scientists who conduct research on transformation processes and, with the help of their network, put their knowledge into practice. Next deadlines in 2025

Frau schaut von historischer Bahnbrücke in die Ferne
Story Dec. 05, 2023

Happy ending or apocalypse?

Narratives can either drive or discourage people. Transformation researcher Karoline Augenstein is convinced of this. She wants to find out how narratives of the future can impact on the way it is shaped.

Many hands with wooden jigsaw pieces
Publication of the Foundation Apr. 11, 2023

Strategic guidelines transdisciplinarity transfer science communication

The Volkswagen Foundation's strategic guidelines on transdisciplinarity.