Zwei Hände halten einen grünen Sack mit Reishülsen
Story Sep. 10, 2024

Affordable water-purification from waste

Trained as a mechanical engineer, the Kampala-based researcher Peter W. Olupot has spent the last decade finding ways to produce affordable water purification systems using rice husks, a common byproduct of rice production.

Portrait eines Mannes
Story Sep. 03, 2024

Preventing future pandemics through community empowerment

Human societies transform the natural environment around them. If this impact is negative, it can increase infectious disease risk. Epidemiologist Joacim Rocklöv believes changing human behavior is critical to preventing pandemics from happening in the future. 

Illustration mit drei Figuren, die Kommentare zu einer zentralen Darstellung mit Diagrammen machen
Opinion Aug. 07, 2024

Paradoxical participation: three challenges of successful transdisciplinarity

Sociologist Andreas Bischof has summarised his view on the challenges of successful transdisciplinarity for our thematic focus ‘Transdisciplinary research’.

Illustration einer Frau mit schmelzendem Eis. Im Hintergrund eine dampfende Stadt.
Stories Jul. 30, 2024

Heat recycling in cities: Can the heat emitted in big cities be used for the energy transition?

Environmental scientist Susanne Benz wants to harvest the heat being emitted from large cities in huge quantities every day. This heat recycling could help to reduce energy consumption – an unusual idea that she will be researching in more detail in the coming years with the support of the Freigeist programme.

Funding offer Jul. 29, 2024

Democracies under Change: networking workshop for cooperation projects

A networking workshop for applicants for the next round of calls for cooperation projects will take place in Hanover from February 25 to 27, 2025. The event also aims to contribute to building a community in the field of "Transdisciplinary Research on Democracy". Application deadline: November 18, 2024​​​​​​​

zwei Frauen vor einer rosafarbenen Wand
Interview Jul. 16, 2024

An art in itself - opportunities and risks of transdisciplinary research

Is it such a good idea for researchers to collaborate with stakeholders from outside the academic community? A discussion on the risks and opportunities of transdisciplinary research that took place between Berlin-based mobility researcher Sophia Becker and Henrike Hartmann, Deputy Secretary General of the Volkswagen Foundation, moderated by science journalist Christine Prußky.