A concrete-like wall can be seen, from which thin, interwoven strips of wood protrude at the top.
Story May. 29, 2024

Mushrooms instead of concrete: innovative biomaterials enable sustainable construction

When we talk about cutting CO2, we usually think of green electricity or transforming transport. However, a less obvious area – the building sector – offers huge potential for savings. A Kassel University researcher wants to combine biomaterials with digital manufacturing technologies and make them available for architecture.

Mann und Frau diskutieren vor Wand mit Notizzetteln
Story May. 01, 2024

Tracing the relationship between power and money

Political scientist Andrea Binder wants to be sure that her research findings will stand up to a reality check – and attaches importance to having her conclusions heeded. To this end, she participates in intensive dialog with stakeholders.

Frau schaut von historischer Bahnbrücke in die Ferne
Story Dec. 05, 2023

Happy ending or apocalypse?

Narratives can either drive or discourage people. Transformation researcher Karoline Augenstein is convinced of this. She wants to find out how narratives of the future can impact on the way it is shaped.

Illustration of university life and business life side by side
Story Dec. 02, 2023

Professorship? Not necessarily...

Ines Drefs is fascinated by research – and most of all by the topic of media development assistance. A new position at the interface of science and practice came just in time.

Portrait of a man in front of a dark background
Story Sep. 11, 2023

New climate models for reliable future scenarios

Climate researcher Niklas Boers works on optimizing climate models with the aim to improve predictions about extreme weather events and potential tipping points in the Earth system – out of a deep sense of responsibility for future generations.

Photo from inside a greenhouse
Story Aug. 22, 2023

A protected space for creative and surprising thoughts

What makes a life with science so special, and what framework conditions must be in place to make it possible for universities as our high-performance academic institutions to offer opportunities and fulfillment? A conversation between Enrico Schleiff, President of Goethe University Frankfurt, and the Secretary General of the Volkswagen Foundation, Georg Schütte – moderated by Christine Prußky.