News Aug. 17, 2018

Innovation Prize for Two Africa Cooperations 

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research awards grantees of the Foundation the German-African Innovation Promotion Prize / The Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing continues its commitment to Africa with the ISEE Conference

News Jul. 04, 2018

Success for Seven Fellows in the Africa Initiative

At a selection conference held in Cameroon, seven early career researchers were able to score success with their project ideas submitted under a call for proposals titled "Resources, their Dynamics, and Sustainability".

News Jun. 04, 2018

Social Inequality as a Global Challenge – Call for Cooperation Projects with Extended Perspectives

Finite resources, social inequality, climate change, terrorism – the world is facing major challenges. The UN's "Sustainable Development Goals" are a contribution towards overcoming these threats. The Volkswagen Foundation, together with partner foundations in Europe, wants to underscore the role played by the sciences in reaching the SDG targets by offering a new funding scheme. Initially, support is given to international research projects on social inequality. Cooperative teams can be funded with up to 1.5 million Euro; deadline for applications is October 30, 2018.

News May. 30, 2018

Scientific Exchange in Almaty on Research "Between Europe and the Orient"

Junior and senior grantees of the Foundation’s initiative for research in/on Central Asia and the Caucasus met to present and discuss project results

News May. 25, 2018

Looking at the brain while it works – Interview with Dr. Laura Ewell

Freigeist-Fellow Dr. Laura Ewell develops a new new technique to identify brain cells within an intact functioning network. We talked to her about her research project, what fuels her curiosity and drives her as a researcher and a Freigeist.

News May. 17, 2018

On the contentious issue of ethnographic objects – 1.2 million euro for provenance research in northern Germany

The history surrounding the ethnographic collections in Hanover, Göttingen, Oldenburg, Hildesheim and Braunschweig will be the focus of a large collaborative project over the next three years.