'Mixed Methods' in the Humanities? (completed)

Present-day research in the humanities and cultural studies is faced with a previously unimaginable body of research data from more or less heterogeneous sources, necessitating application of new computer-aided methods of knowledge acquisition. The aim of this funding scheme is to explore how such new procedures of digital humanities can be combined with "qualitative-hermeneutical" approaches, and to evaluate potential for "added value". The call addresses projects that reach beyond mere collaboration on a specific research question and explore the interface between the two procedures on a theoretical-methodological level.
Scope of Funding
The call comprises two funding lines: The first one addresses collaborative "hybrid projects". The second offers support for workshops and small-scale summer schools. Applications are invited from researchers across all historical-hermeneutical disciplines (e.g. language and literature studies, history, philosophy, history of law and comparative law, art history, musicology) who work in equitable cooperation with partners in the areas of digital humanities or informatics.
Details of the application requirements and procedure can be found under Information for Applicants (pdf). Applications must be submitted electronically via the electronic application system.
This is a onetime call. Applications for funding line 2 can be submitted at any time until December 31, 2020.