13 results

Funding offer Jun. 03, 2024

Transformational Knowledge on Democracies under Change – Transdisciplinary Perspectives

#Science and the public #Transdisciplinarity
Transformational Knowledge on Democracies under Change – Transdisciplinary Perspectives Open copyright panel Close copyright panel VolkswagenStiftung Important dates October 29, 2024, 12:00 PM CET Deadline for task forces Next deadline for cooperation …
Story Jul. 12, 2022

Exploring science communication: The RRC

#SciComm Centers #Science communication #Science and the public
Story Exploring science communication: The RRC Jul. 12, 2022 Ulrike Schneeweiß Home / Share Page Seite teilen Liste schließen Linked In Facebook E-Mail Copy URL Disinformation, media fragmentation, instrumentalization of science – how can the facticity …
Story May. 30, 2022

Exploring science communication: The MSCL

#SciComm Centers #Science communication #Science and the public
Open copyright panel Close copyright panel GettyImages-1084541968 Story Exploring science communication: The MSCL May. 30, 2022 Ulrike Schneeweiß Home / Share Page Seite teilen Liste schließen Linked In Facebook E-Mail Copy URL The Munich Science …
Story May. 24, 2022

Exploring science communication: The RHET AI Center

#Science communication #SciComm Centers #Science and the public
Open copyright panel Close copyright panel GettyImages-1084541968 Story Exploring science communication: The RHET AI Center May. 24, 2022 Ulrike Schneeweiß Home / Share Page Seite teilen Liste schließen Linked In Facebook E-Mail Copy URL Is it possible to …
Story Mar. 08, 2022

Exploring science communication: The KSCN

#Science communication #SciComm Centers #Science and the public
Open copyright panel Close copyright panel GettyImages-1084541968 Story Exploring science communication: The KSCN Apr. 27, 2022 Ulrike Schneeweiß Home / Share Page Seite teilen Liste schließen Linked In Facebook E-Mail Copy URL What we feel when we see: …
Funding offer Jan. 20, 2022

Science Communication Cubed – Science of Science Communication Centers (completed)

#Science and the public #Science communication #SciComm Centers
Science Communication Cubed – Science of Science Communication Centers (completed) Home / Share Page Seite teilen Liste schließen Linked In Facebook E-Mail Copy URL Objective Scientific findings change the world we live in and are fundamental for …
Story Oct. 05, 2021

Science Communication: A Question of Perspective

#Science communication #Science and the public
Opinion Science Communication: A Question of Perspective Oct. 04, 2021 Jens Rehländer Home / Share Page Seite teilen Liste schließen Linked In Facebook E-Mail Copy URL As the covid crisis has shown: If scientific arguments are to be taken seriously in the …
Story May. 20, 2021

Dinosaur fate as science communication

#Science and the public #Science communication
Open copyright panel Close copyright panel Joschua Knüppe Story Dinosaur fate as science communication May. 20, 2021 Thomas Kaestle Home / Share Page Seite teilen Liste schließen Linked In Facebook E-Mail Copy URL A paleontological graphic novel brings a …
Interview Jul. 30, 2020

Behind the scenes of research culture: "Black Box Science"

#Science and the public
Open copyright panel Close copyright panel BlackBoxScience - R. Kaufmann Interview Behind the scenes of research culture: "Black Box Science" Jul. 30, 2020 Gesa Jones Home / Share Page Seite teilen Liste schließen Linked In Facebook E-Mail Copy URL …
Story May. 24, 2019

Europasaurus as a Graphic Novel: Science Done Differently

#Science and the public #Science communication
Open copyright panel Close copyright panel Joschua Knüppe/Dr. Oliver Wings Story Europasaurus as a Graphic Novel: Science Done Differently May. 24, 2019 Thomas Kaestle Home / Share Page Seite teilen Liste schließen Linked In Facebook E-Mail Copy URL A …