Eine Gruppe protestierender Menschen
Stories 01 July 2024

Protest movements: How do they affect democracies in Europe?

Election victories for authoritarian parties, demonstrations against the right, Fridays for Future and increasing populism: democracies in Europe are coming under pressure. The "ProDem" project has analysed the impact of protest movements on the development of democracy in six European countries.

Rhine Ruhr Center
Story 12 July 2022

Exploring science communication: The RRC

Disinformation, media fragmentation, instrumentalization of science – how can the facticity crisis be countered? One of the central research questions at the Rhine Ruhr Center for Science Communication Research (RRC).

Header MSCL
Story 30 May 2022

Exploring science communication: The MSCL

The Munich Science Communication Lab is dedicated to the research topic "Planetary Health", which considers the health of both the planet and its human population.

Header RHET AI Center
Story 24 May 2022

Exploring science communication: The RHET AI Center

Is it possible to address the topic of artificial intelligence with objectivity and free of emotion? Researchers at the RHET AI Center are investigating the interests and images that shape the social perception and discourse surrounding the technology.

Header KSCN
Story 08 March 2022

Exploring science communication: The KSCN

What we feel when we see: Artists, designers and researchers explore the emotional impact of visual representations in the new Kiel Science Communication Network.

Frau mit Maske auf der Stirn, ein Mann dahinter mit Maske auf dem Mund
Story 05 October 2021

Science Communication: A Question of Perspective

As the covid crisis has shown: If scientific arguments are to be taken seriously in the public discourse and subsequently acted upon, researchers must make a greater effort to master the rules of today’s mediatized society. The following is a subjective situation report in five sequences.