Thank you in many different languages
News Jan. 15, 2024

Many thanks to our supporters!

The work of the Volkswagen Foundation would not be possible without the help of researchers from all over the world. They support us, for example, in generating ideas, developing new funding programs and, last but not least, in reviewing funding applications.

Funding offer Dec. 18, 2023

Perspectives on Wealth: Repercussions of Wealth

The Volkswagen Foundation aims to initiate a shift of perspective from poverty research to facets surrounding the phenomenon of wealth. This current call for applications focuses on “repercussions of wealth” in a global perspective. Online Q&A on March 01, 2024, deadline for applications: May 8, 2024

Funding offer Dec. 13, 2023

New funding offer: "Change! Fellowships and Research Groups"

With the new funding program, the Volkswagen Foundation supports scientists who conduct research on transformation processes and, with the help of their network, put their knowledge into practice. Next deadlines in 2025

Funding offer Dec. 12, 2023

Challenges and Potentials for Europe: Intergenerational Futures

The call "Challenges and Potentials for Europe: Intergenerational Futures" is aimed at international research groups from the social sciences, cultural studies and humanities. Call is closed

Frau schaut von historischer Bahnbrücke in die Ferne
Story Dec. 05, 2023

Happy ending or apocalypse?

Narratives can either drive or discourage people. Transformation researcher Karoline Augenstein is convinced of this. She wants to find out how narratives of the future can impact on the way it is shaped.

Illustration of university life and business life side by side
Story Dec. 02, 2023

Professorship? Not necessarily...

Ines Drefs is fascinated by research – and most of all by the topic of media development assistance. A new position at the interface of science and practice came just in time.