Portrait eines Mannes
Story Sep. 23, 2024

Perovskite pioneer: How a Freigeist Fellow is revolutionising solar cells and X-ray devices

Physicist Felix Lang discovered the self-healing powers of a soft semiconductor. He now wants to use it to improve the production of electricity in space, make solar power cheaper here on Earth, and help X-rays to produce less radiation and better resolution – in colour!

Illustration mit mehreren Personen, die Diversität zeigen soll
Funding offer Sep. 11, 2024

Equal opportunity funds

For calls with a cut-off date falling after January 01, 2025, researchers who submit applications for project funding can at the same time apply for funds to improve equal opportunities and diversity in their project. Such funds can be used for measures such as childcare, support for people with physical disabilities, awareness-raising workshops, and coaching.

Zwei Hände halten einen grünen Sack mit Reishülsen
Story Sep. 10, 2024

Affordable water-purification from waste

Trained as a mechanical engineer, the Kampala-based researcher Peter W. Olupot has spent the last decade finding ways to produce affordable water purification systems using rice husks, a common byproduct of rice production.

Portrait eines Mannes
Story Sep. 03, 2024

Preventing future pandemics through community empowerment

Human societies transform the natural environment around them. If this impact is negative, it can increase infectious disease risk. Epidemiologist Joacim Rocklöv believes changing human behavior is critical to preventing pandemics from happening in the future. 

Viele Menschen sitzen um einen ovalen Tisch in einer Besprechung
News Sep. 02, 2024

New faces on the Volkswagen Foundation's Board of Trustees

Lower Saxony's Science Minister Falko Mohrs takes over as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Volkswagen Foundation, Germany's largest private science funding organisation. The federal cabinet and the state government of Lower Saxony have appointed a total of three new members to the foundation's highest decision-making body.

Zwei Frauen sprechen vor einer Gruppe von Zuhörerinnen
News Aug. 21, 2024

Women's Impact Award: the three shortlisted winners have been announced

Together with ‘Falling Walls Female Science Talents’ and other partner organisations, the Volkswagen Foundation supports the Women's Impact Award. The first three shortlisted winners have now been announced - congratulations!