Frau mit Maske auf der Stirn, ein Mann dahinter mit Maske auf dem Mund
Story Oct. 05, 2021

Science Communication: A Question of Perspective

As the covid crisis has shown: If scientific arguments are to be taken seriously in the public discourse and subsequently acted upon, researchers must make a greater effort to master the rules of today’s mediatized society. The following is a subjective situation report in five sequences.

Story Sep. 13, 2021

New ideas for improving diagnostics

Detecting viruses, bacteria, tumor markers or dangerous environmental toxins quickly and accurately saves lives. Two innovative projects funded by the Foundation in the corona context show what effective diagnostics could look like in the future.

Eine bewaffnete Frau aus Südafrika zeigt den Stinkefinger
Story Aug. 27, 2021

A chance in the pandemic – learning from each other

What are the consequences of corona-related mobility restrictions and who is affected and in what way? In close cooperation, scholars from Germany, South Korea, South Africa and the Democratic Republic of Congo want to conduct comparative research on this issue. 

Dinosaurier an einem Strand
Story May. 20, 2021

Dinosaur fate as science communication

A paleontological graphic novel brings a herd of Europasaurus dinosaurs and their ecosystem back to life – based on the fossil finds near Goslar.

Mann und Frau Symbol
Story Mar. 08, 2021

The hidden bias in AI: Programmed prejudice

Algorithms exhibit biases that may pose a threat to social cohesion. A collaborative research project led by Professor Dietmar Hübner is looking for solutions to a serious problem that will become increasingly pressing in the future. 

Story Dec. 10, 2020

Robotics and elderly care: Machines that help in a humane way

What are the consequences of automation of care for the quality of life and dignity of the elderly? An interdisciplinary research group is working on concepts that are better geared to the needs of elderly people and caregivers alike. The results are innovative ideas in caring for the elderly – that sometimes challenge taboos.