Story Feb. 28, 2020

On Their Way to a Better Life

Migration has many neglected stories: Anthropologist Meron Zeleke Eresso looks at the world of Ethiopian transit migrant women in the Horn of Africa.

Story Feb. 25, 2020

Artificial Photosynthesis: Better than green

The microbiologist Tobias Erb has reinvented photosynthesis in the laboratory. Might this one day lead to industrial application – with the beneficial side effect of removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere? The next steps will be exciting ...

News Feb. 19, 2020

11.6 Million Euros for Research: Funding of Projects on Social Inequality

Together with partners throughout Europe, the Volkswagen Foundation is supporting eight international teams of researchers seeking solutions to social inequality – which a total of 11.6 million euros. From Germany, researchers from Berlin, Braunschweig, Freiburg, Göttingen, Kiel, Cologne and Munich are involved.

Interview Feb. 05, 2020

"If the machine starts to fool around, just pull the plug."

In what ways is artificial intelligence (AI) impacting on our society? How can productively handle the population’s reservations towards AI applications? A conversation between the AI expert Fruszina Molnár-Gábor and the new Secretary General of the Volkswagen Foundation, Georg Schütte.

Story Feb. 03, 2020

Ethics for Nerds

Computer scientists tend to frown upon ethics as a "wishy-washy" subject, although there are very good reasons why it should be part of their studies. Those who do look into it have to expect the consequences: Their perceptions change, sometimes even their whole life, and in some places disciplines finally come together. Insights into an academic shift.

News Jan. 27, 2020

Sonar Navigation Inspired by Bat Flowers

Successful "Experiment!": Researchers have come up with a solution for efficient sonar measurements for robots and self-driving cars, inspired by a special coevolution between bats and flowers.