News Mar. 21, 2019

"Interdisciplinary College" on senses and sensors

From 12 to 19 March 2019, the established Spring School brought together scientists from neurobiology, computer science, engineering, psychology and philosophy in order to deal with senses and sensors across disciplines and with the data collected.

News Mar. 18, 2019

Artificial Intelligence: Where Does it Make Sense, and Where Should We be More Wary?

A panel member of this year's German Research Summit, science journalist Manuela Lenzen discusses how artificial intelligence (AI) affects society. In the following interview, the author of "AI – What it can do and what awaits us" answers some fundamental questions on the topic.

News Mar. 05, 2019

ISEE Africa Conference to Promote a New Generation of Engineers

Sustainable building in Africa and strategies for improved higher education were the focus of a conference in Nairobi.

News Feb. 14, 2019

Mit "Momentum" Neues wagen

Mit "Momentum" adressiert die VolkswagenStiftung eine enge Zielgruppe: erstberufene Professorinnen und Professoren. Was die Förderinitiative dieser Klientel zu bieten hat, erläutern die zuständigen Förderreferentinnen Antje Tepperwien und Anja Fließ.

News Jan. 15, 2019

Five Projects Approved in "Artificial Intelligence" Funding Initiative

The Volkswagen Foundation has approved funding of around 7 million euro in the engineering and social sciences for five interdisciplinary research clusters dealing with the challenges arising from the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on society. The projects range from the use of artificial intelligence as an aid to decision making in criminal justice to its effect on communication culture and AI-supported precision medicine.

News Dec. 18, 2018

Change of Course – Training Concepts Between the Life Sciences and Science or Engineering

The new funding offer "Change of Course – Exploring New Research Territories between the Life Sciences and Science or Engineering" supports concepts aimed at the multidisciplinary training of research groups. Teams who wish to acquire additional qualification can submit funding proposals by January 15, 2019.