Funding offer Jul. 29, 2024

Democracies under Change: networking workshop for cooperation projects

A networking workshop for applicants for the next round of calls for cooperation projects will take place in Hanover from February 25 to 27, 2025. The event also aims to contribute to building a community in the field of "Transdisciplinary Research on Democracy". Application deadline: November 18, 2024​​​​​​​

Illustration zum Thema Wissenschaft
News Jul. 23, 2024

Animal testing: The topic deserves more visibility

Animal rights activists are calling for the abolition of all animal experiments, which makes researchers fear for medical progress. What is the discourse on this topic like in Germany and what does it take for society keep an open mind on the topic and reach the right value judgements? 

Illustration: Mann mit Laborbrille und Lupe blickt auf ein Modell der Erde
In brief Jul. 17, 2024

Understanding the Earth as a system: 10 million euros for reorientation and networking in "Earth system sciences"

Earth system sciences understand the world as a complex system. Phenomena of the Anthropocene, such as climate change, are the result of multiple interactions in this system concept, the interplay of which is researched by Earth system sciences. In order to establish this guiding principle in research and teaching, the Volkswagen Foundation has granted six junior professorships - with funding totalling around 10 million euros.

zwei Frauen vor einer rosafarbenen Wand
Interview Jul. 16, 2024

An art in itself - opportunities and risks of transdisciplinary research

Is it such a good idea for researchers to collaborate with stakeholders from outside the academic community? A discussion on the risks and opportunities of transdisciplinary research that took place between Berlin-based mobility researcher Sophia Becker and Henrike Hartmann, Deputy Secretary General of the Volkswagen Foundation, moderated by science journalist Christine Prußky.

Ein Mann steht vor einem großen Berg alter Matratzen
Story Jul. 10, 2024

Circular economy – New life for old mattresses

Every year, hundreds of thousands of latex mattresses end up in the bulky waste in Germany. They are incinerated because there is no recycling process for them. The REFOAM research project aims to change this.

Eine Gruppe protestierender Menschen
Stories Jul. 01, 2024

Protest movements: How do they affect democracies in Europe?

Election victories for authoritarian parties, demonstrations against the right, Fridays for Future and increasing populism: democracies in Europe are coming under pressure. The "ProDem" project has analysed the impact of protest movements on the development of democracy in six European countries.