Story Feb. 03, 2020

Ethics for Nerds

Computer scientists tend to frown upon ethics as a "wishy-washy" subject, although there are very good reasons why it should be part of their studies. Those who do look into it have to expect the consequences: Their perceptions change, sometimes even their whole life, and in some places disciplines finally come together. Insights into an academic shift.

Story Nov. 13, 2019

Deciphering Extreme Weather Events

Climate change manifests itself in increasingly severe floods, droughts and storms. How data science could help to understand extreme weather conditions  – and prepare humankind for what’s to come – was discussed at a Herrenhausen Conference on "Extreme Events" in Hanover.

Story Oct. 17, 2019

Coveted Raw Material: Data for Cutting-Edge Research

Technology giants zealously guard their data records – a policy with strict laws that slows down data transfer. So how does research on AI in Germany organize its basic supply of data?

Story May. 24, 2019

Europasaurus as a Graphic Novel: Science Done Differently

A dinosaur project funded by the Volkswagen Foundation comes to an end with an unusual approach to communicating its results: A graphic novel based on scientific findings intended to stimulate the imagination of an ecosystem that is 154 million years old.

Story Apr. 09, 2019

From Dream to Reality

Fresh water as a precious resource. A young Kenyan scientist has made this her theme – one that has accompanied her through her scientific career.

Story Mar. 25, 2019

Like Pavlov’s Famous Dog?

Researchers in Tubingen are attempting to find out whether plants show comparable reflexes – and can therefore be regarded as capable of learning.