Faces of Annabella Hüfler-Fick und Mona Weyrauch.
Interview Mar. 06, 2024

Become an "Agent of Change!": The Program Directors explain how it works

The media is increasingly full of gloomy news – wars, climate warming, crisis of democracy. What can be done to counteract the negative effects? The funding initiative "Change! Fellowships and Research Groups" aims to bring about social change through the findings of transdisciplinary research. Annabella Hüfler-Fick and Mona Weyrauch provide information about what researchers need to consider when applying.

Adelheid Wessler looks at tha camera.
Interview Feb. 22, 2024

Transdisciplinary research: "We firmly believe this concept works"

The Volkswagen Foundation believes that transdisciplinary research is a promising way of tackling major future issues. In the following interview, team leader Adelheid Wessler explains how the Foundation wants to create new funding opportunities to help establish this methodological approach over the long term – alongside basic and discipline-defined research.