Supporting Science in Sub-Saharan Africa: On the satisfaction derived from developing solutions
Not only crises caused by political upheavals or famines continue to wreak havoc on societies and communities on the African continent. Gilbert Fokou, a social anthropologist from Cameroon, sees himself as a bridging interface between the people and decision-makers in politics. He is driven by a strong determination to help the very poor.
"Opus Magnum" offers outstanding professors from the humanities and social sciences the opportunity to write a larger scientific work, relieved by a teaching substitution. Deadline: November 4, 2025
Marine mammals are fascinating creatures. Their visual system in particular, and how it contributes to underwater orientation, for example, is still a mystery. Frederike Hanke from the University of Rostock wants to change that.
Supporting Science in Sub-Saharan Africa: Knowledge for Tomorrow with Multiplier Effect
The Foundation supported research in sub-Saharan Africa through the funding of fellowships and cooperation projects. In this interview, two of the German coordinators describe their experiences.
Europe is experimenting with the application of automated decision-making to manage asylum and migration processes. Researchers in an international project are investigating whether and how the use of algorithms is able to contribute to fairness.