News Jun. 07, 2016

Computational Journalism Under Investigation

Freigeist-Fellow Prof. Dr. Neil Thurman analyzes the professional, personal and societal consequences of automated journalistic work.

News May. 23, 2016

Honored in Georgia

Secretary General Wilhelm Krull was awarded Doctor Honoris Causa of Ilia State University.

News Apr. 28, 2016

"Funding commitments will be upheld"

Could events affecting Volkswagen AG have an impact on the Volkswagen Foundation’s funding activities? An interview with Dr. Wilhelm Krull, Secretary General of the Foundation.

News Mar. 02, 2016

Freigeist-Fellow Researches Social Valuation in Rodents

In his project "The Neural Basis of Social Valuation - the Confluence of Neuroscience, Psychology & Economics" Marijn van Wingerden from the University of Düsseldorf applies a quantitative, interdisciplinary approach to social decision making in rodents to uncover the neural basis of social valuation.

News Oct. 28, 2015

Rana Plaza Disaster: Funding of International Supply Chain Research Project

Two years after the Rana Plaza building collapse, a global research team will examine what changes have occurred in the policies and practices of retailers and brand firms, as well as changes in factory practices in Bangladesh.

Zeros and ones on a blue background.
Event report Mar. 25, 2015

Herrenhausen Conference: "Big Data in a Transdisciplinary Perspective"

On March 25-27, 2015, researchers and international experts met in Hannover for a Herrenhausen Conference on "Big Data".