News Mar. 03, 2022

Academic freedom on the decline

The new Academic Freedom Index data is now available. The 2022 report shows that academic freedom has decreased substantially in many countries.

Portrait of Sarah McCann
Interview Feb. 21, 2022

Quality in preclinical research: Networked rather than alone

Neuroscientist Sarah McCann wants to improve the quality of biomedical research and make it more reproducible. The Volkswagen Foundation is funding her research as a pioneering project in the new profile area "Understanding Research – Evaluation and Science Practice".

News Jan. 27, 2022

Promote Free Scientific Exchange: Yehudit and Yehuda Elkana Fellowships

There is less and less free space for scientifically controversial discussions. The Yehudit and Yehuda Elkana Fellowship Program wants to create this space for scientists.

Niklas Boers
Interview Dec. 13, 2021

Climate change: "It’s absolutely vital to act now"

Freigeist Fellow Niklas Boers develops novel prediction models for the earth and climate system. In this interview, he explains what findings they are already delivering - and what should be concluded from them.

News Dec. 08, 2021

Artificial Intelligence: Nearly 10 million euros in funding for new projects

With its "Artificial Intelligence" funding initiative, the Volkswagen Foundation is strengthening interdisciplinary and transnational research into the responsible further development of artificial intelligence (AI) systems. It is now funding seven project consortia from the social and technical sciences with a total of 9.8 million euros in this context.

Story Nov. 10, 2021

Careers in Science

Career planning has never been an easy matter for people working in research. Due to the pandemic, many are losing patience and optimism. How is the science system doing to counteract the impending brain drain?