Story May. 11, 2020

How do children learn to speak?

The linguist Birgit Hellwig is researching the language acquisition of small children – on the example of Qaqet, an endangered language in Papua New Guinea.

Interview May. 05, 2020

Global Issues

New impetus for the Volkswagen Foundation’s international funding: Interview with Dr. Adelheid Wessler, head of the 'International' funding team, on the 'Global Issues' program.

News Apr. 30, 2020

Empowering citizens to become AI co-designers

Dr. Diana Serbanescu believes that theater and artistic practices help to engage the public in a promising dialog with research and technology.

News Apr. 14, 2020

"explore" - the Volkswagen Foundation and its international focus  

In its new English-language brochure "explore", the Volkswagen Foundation provides information on how it understands its task of supporting  research and higher education – in Germany and all over the world.

News Apr. 08, 2020

European philanthropists call for solidarity

The Volkswagen Foundation signs a statement on European solidarity in the time of the coronavirus crisis, coordinated by DAFNE and the EFC

In brief Mar. 23, 2020

How researchers from Ukraine and Russia cooperate

As an instrument of 'Science Diplomacy', the Foundation announced the 'Trilateral Partnerships' funding program in 2014: An interim balance.