Cover explore Broschüre
Publication of the Foundation Mar. 16, 2020

"explore" - The Volkswagen Foundation and its international focus

Interview Mar. 11, 2020

When does artificial intelligence become political?

Sabine Müller-Mall views AI from the perspective of a scholar of law and constitutional theory. In her opinion, we should take a closer look at the underlying algorithms, since they exert a normative effect and influence how we perceive things, communicate and act.

News Mar. 06, 2020

Video: The Application Procedure at Volkswagen Foundation

A new explanatory film provides insights into how the application procedure works. On this occasion, we talked to Dr. Henrike Hartmann, Head of the Volkswagen Foundation's Funding Department, about what is taken into account in the review process and what applicants should bear in mind to be successful with their research proposal.

Story Feb. 28, 2020

On Their Way to a Better Life

Migration has many neglected stories: Anthropologist Meron Zeleke Eresso looks at the world of Ethiopian transit migrant women in the Horn of Africa.

Story Feb. 25, 2020

Artificial Photosynthesis: Better than green

The microbiologist Tobias Erb has reinvented photosynthesis in the laboratory. Might this one day lead to industrial application – with the beneficial side effect of removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere? The next steps will be exciting ...

News Feb. 19, 2020

11.6 Million Euros for Research: Funding of Projects on Social Inequality

Together with partners throughout Europe, the Volkswagen Foundation is supporting eight international teams of researchers seeking solutions to social inequality – which a total of 11.6 million euros. From Germany, researchers from Berlin, Braunschweig, Freiburg, Göttingen, Kiel, Cologne and Munich are involved.