Dinosaurier an einem Strand
Story May. 20, 2021

Dinosaur fate as science communication

A paleontological graphic novel brings a herd of Europasaurus dinosaurs and their ecosystem back to life – based on the fossil finds near Goslar.

Story May. 24, 2019

Europasaurus as a Graphic Novel: Science Done Differently

A dinosaur project funded by the Volkswagen Foundation comes to an end with an unusual approach to communicating its results: A graphic novel based on scientific findings intended to stimulate the imagination of an ecosystem that is 154 million years old.

Story Aug. 09, 2018

The Dark Sides of Open Science

Have calls for transparency in science gone too far? German science expert Stefan Hornbostel argues that some transparency is good for science – but too much can backfire, reducing the efficiency and quality of research and eroding public trust.